A few days ago, I was able to engage in one of my favorite activities - Dungeons & Dragons (D&D, for those in the know). It got me remembering the fun I've had playing numerous games over my life. I even considered writing my thesis on non-video gaming. So it's with great pride I present to you this week's Double Feature, with the theme of Board Games. First, a film based on the most classic of games:
1. Clue
1985. Directed by Jonathan Lynn. 94 min.
I love, love LOVE this film. I first saw it on Comedy Central, and I'm pretty sure it was close to Halloween. The film takes the premise and characters of the original board game, and turns it into an hour and a half of hilarity. Each actor is fantastic in their roles, but it's Tim Curry who "buttles" his way into movie history with his performance. The DVD even gives you a chance to watch the movie as the original theater-goers did, by randomly selecting one of the three endings produced (I prefer seeing all three together). Clue is one of my favorite films of all time, and it belongs on this shelf more than most.
Our second feature is not as classic, or quite as funny, but it still holds a place in my heart.
2. Jumanji
1995. Dir. by Joe Johnston. 104 minutes.
Where Clue is based on an actual game, Jumanji creates its own game, a game with devious intent. Directed by Joe Johnston, who, although he has a few marks on his record (Jurassic Park 3, The PageMaster) has made some of my favorite films (Honey, I Shrunk the Kids, the Rocketeer). Here, he takes what could be a truly crappy film, and lifts it up to quite a bit of fun. I will admit that the VHS of this film spent many many hours in our VCR. I remember the hub-bub around the film's release, saying it was a little too scary for a PG rating (I say whatever). There's some great stuff here! The CG mostly works (The monkeys look waaaay bad now, but everything else pretty much sells). I like the Dad/Hunter same actor trick they pulled, a sort of homage to Peter Pan. The movie is rather silly, but very fun. If and when I ever get around to it, I'll finish the iRiff of this movie.
Tonally, these films clash a little, but I still think they work pretty well together. Clue's main strengths are the script and the performances, Jumanji's are more about the pacing and effects. So, grab your game of Settlers of Cataan, or Monopoly, or even Hungry Hungry Hippos, pop these films in, and have yourself a fun Double Feature.
Favorite Moments:
1. "But one of us wasn't here! Nouh!" "Nouh?" "NOUH!"
2. "You're not a postal worker, are you?"
Suggested Snack:
Cheese and Fruit tray with Professor Plums and Colonel Mustard pretzels, and No-More-Banana-Leaves Banana Pudding.
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